What is Peripheral Nerve Stimulation?
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation is a procedure in which an insulated lead or wire with electrodes is placed next to a nerve that is causing pain and stimulates the nerve with extremely small amounts of electricity which can blunt/block pain signals from specific parts of the body. You will not feel any electrical sensation once the lead is placed. It is a procedure for those who have failed conservative and injection therapies and even surgery. Indications may include post-surgical pain, arthritis of large joints such as shoulders or knees, complex regional pain syndrome, neuropathic pain, etc. This procedure starts with a 5-10 day trial period at which time you will have the ability to “test drive” the device before deciding if the treatment is beneficial.

You may need to stop taking certain medications several days before the procedure, especially anticoagulant or “blood thinning” medications, as well as other prescription and/or over-the-counter medications, including herbal and vitamin supplements.
The procedure can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour with an average of about 30 min.
Most people report that the stinging/burning of the numbing medicine is the most uncomfortable part of the procedure though every person’s response to any procedure is individual. Patients usually receive IV sedation which will relax you for the procedure but you are not asleep.
What should I expect after the procedure and what are the side effects?
Pain relief may take a couple days to notice and until then you may have some discomfort in your back from the procedure. There are no side effects but you may experience a tingling or buzzing sensation during a 7-day trial which can be adjusted with a hand-held remote.
Pain relief may take a couple days to notice and until then you may have some discomfort in your back from the procedure. There are no side effects but you may experience a tingling or buzzing sensation during a 7-day trial which can be adjusted with a hand-held remote.
Some localized tenderness may be experienced for a couple of days after the procedure. Using an ice pack with a barrier such as a towel between the skin and ice, three or four times a day will help this. You may take your prescribed pain medications after the injection. It is important that you keep track of the amount of pain relief you received as well as how much more functional you are.