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Procedure in which a device the diameter of a paper hole punch is inserted down into the vertebral body in the spine in order to inject cement to stabilize a

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Procedure in which an insulated lead or wire with electrodes is placed next to a nerve that is causing pain and stimulates the nerve with extremely small amounts of electricity.

SI Joint Stabilization

SI Joint Stabilization

The LinQ™ SI Joint Stabilization System is intended to help patients suffering from low back pain due to sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction find long-term relief.

Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation

Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation

Procedure in which an insulated lead or wire with electrodes is placed in the epidural space, and stimulates specific spinal nerves.

Intracept® Procedure

Intracept® Procedure

A minimally invasive, implant-free, outpatient procedure and clinically proven treatment for the relief of chronic vertebrogenic low back pain.

Vertiflex Interspinous Spacer

Vertiflex Interspinous Spacer

A procedure to decompress the nerves being pinched by lumbar spinal stenosis.

MILD (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression)

MILD (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression)

Procedure in which a device the diameter of a paper hole punch is inserted down to the spine to decompress the nerves being pinched by lumbar spinal stenosis.

Minuteman Procedure

Minuteman Procedure

A minimally invasive, interspinous-interlaminar fusion device intended for the fixation and stabilization of the lumbar spine while awaiting bony fusion to occur.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Procedure in which an insulated lead or wire with electrodes is placed in the epidural space, and stimulates the spinal cord with extremely small amounts of electricity.